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Reducing the weight of robot hand components

Here's an example of an application.

Please make use of this information in assessing the potential introduction of Futaba's CFRP PLATE.

Reducing the weight of the robot hand improved the workpiece payload by

2.5 times compared to the conventional robot hand!

Simply changing your robot hand components can eliminate the need for replacement with a larger robot.

Background of introduction

  • Industry: For electrical and mechanical equipment industry

  • Application: Gripping hand components (claws and spacer) for a small robot (MotoMINI: total payload 500 g)

  • Problem: Robot installation space is limited, and introducing a larger robot requires changes to the production line layout.


We need to buy a new robot…

It’s not easy to find enough space to install a larger robot…

Advantages of introducing FUTABA's CFRP Plate

Reducing the weight of the robot hand part has improved the workpiece payload by 2.5 times compared to the conventional robot hand!

 * Compared to iron (specific gravity 7.9)

Payload of conventional

robot hand


Payload after introducing Futaba’s CFRP PLATE



Demonstration exhibit at exhibition (MotoMINI: payload 500 g)

<Other effects>

  • The new gripping hand can hold a wider range of products.

  • Eliminating the need for replacement with a larger robot reduces capital investment costs and minimizes installation space.

  • Reduced motor capacity saves energy (reducing operating costs).

  • ​Using the existing robot eliminates the need to change (or relocate) the layout of the production line.


By reducing power consumption,

we also cut operating costs!


Comments from a Professional Engineer

 The weight of the moving parts isn't the only factor when selecting robot specifications and performance. The requirements for reach, travel distance, and speed of the arm have greater impact. Even within the limits of payload capacity, insufficient margins in the specifications can influence accuracy, reliability, and durability over the long term. Using Futaba's CFRP PLATE, which is light and rigid, from the part near the tip to the base can improve cost, precision, reliability, and durability.

 Replacing a robot that is then used no longer is the same as using two robots. In addition to cash flow, the remaining depreciation and costs for maintenance, storage, and management of the old robot can easily be left out of the overall profit-loss calculation and cost accounting. This requires careful attention.


​ When purchasing, installation, adjustments, maintenance, asset management, and other work and lead time issues are considered, the advantages of not replacing the existing robot are enormous.


Professional Engineer, Japan; certified by the Institution of Professional Engineers, Japan Nagano Professional Engineer Office CEO

​Makoto Nagano

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